pope gregory xvii

(June 6, 1882, p. 54, ibid). On 20 May 1846, he felt himself failing in health.

The next day the duke caused the house of his erstwhile friend, Ciro Menotti, at Modena, to be surrounded, and arrested him and several of his fellow conspirators. Papal troops were dispatched to the aid of the legations, but the only result was the concentration of 2000 revolutionists at Cesena. The reign of Gregory was drawing to its close.

He seemed to recover enough that he was able to conduct meetings throughout 8–9 April, although it was observed he did not feel well. After the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacres of Huguenots in France in 1572, Pope Gregory celebrated a Te Deum mass. pictures. In 1798 took place the scandalous abduction of Pius VI by General Berthier, at Napoleon's orders, and in the following year the death of the pope in exile at Valence. Two years after its publication, the pope found it necessary to issue a further Encyclical, "Singulari nos", in which he condemned the "Paroles d'un croyant", the reply of Lamennais to "Mirari vos". [7] Twice he was offered a bishopric and twice he refused. We reprove, then, by virtue of Our Apostolic Authority, all the practices abovementioned as absolutely unworthy of the Christian name. In spite, however, of the representations of Lacordaire, Lamennais persisted, with the result that, on the feast of the Assumption, 1832, the pope issued the Encyclical "Mirari vos", in which were condemned, not only the policy of "L'Avenir", but also many of the moral and social doctrines that were then put forward by most of the revolutionary schools.

In 1800 Cardinal Chiaramonti was elected pope at Venice , and took the name of Pius VII , and returned to Rome the same year. As he emerges from the meeting with Pope Gregory XVII (where His Holiness has confided to Father that his captors could kill him at anytime). His arrest caused general indignation throughout Europe, and Prussia endeavoured to justify its action by inventing charges against the prelate. fur prot. Another papal expedition sailed to Ireland in 1579 with a mere 50 soldiers under the command of Fitzmaurice, accompanied by Sanders as papal legate. This college was the precursor of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum. Consecrated, May 7, 1944, Genoa, by Cardinal Pietro Boetto, S.J., archbishop of Genoa. June 1, 1910. A few days later the pope was taken ill with erysipelas in the face. At first the attack was not thought to be very serious, but on 31 May, his strength suddenly failed, and it was seen that the end was near. Gregory sent missionaries to Abyssinia, to India, to China, to Polynesia, to the North American Indians. Gregory XVI has been treated with but scant respect by later historians, but he has by no means deserved their contempt. It was convoked in 1431 by Pope Martin V. Following Martin’s death, his successor Blessed Pope EugeneIV opened it and met open resistance from many of the bishops. In Portugal the accession of Queen Maria da Gloria was the occasion of an outburst of anti-clerical legislation. But the impassioned appeals of Niccolini, of Gioberti, of Farini, of d'Azeglio, were spread throughout Italy and all Europe, and the fear was only too well founded that the Papal States could not long outlast Gregory XVI. The pope canonized four saints during his pontificate and in 1584 beatified his predecessor Pope Gregory VII. During his reign, five saints were canonized (notably Alphonsus Liguori) and thirty-three Servants of God were declared Blessed (including the Augustinian Simon of Cascia). Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. In August, 1831, he issued the Brief, "Sollicitudo Ecclesiarum", in which he reiterated the statements of former Pontiffs as to the independence of the Church and its refusal to be entangled in dynastic politics. But the impassioned appeals of Niccolini, of Gioberti, of Farini, of d'Azeglio, were spread throughout Italy and all Europe, and the fear was only too well founded that the Papal States could not long outlast Gregory XVI. Along with Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism, it is one of the three major branches of Christianity.

In 1580, he was persuaded by English Jesuits to moderate or suspend the Bull Regnans in Excelsis (1570) which had excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I of England. Why not overflow them into the heart of the new and great Pastor, for whom Heaven is preserving that unspeakable grace of. But no such success was possible in Poland and France. But it was not only in France that errors had to be met. fur prot. In August, 1841, with the intention of entering into closer relations with his people, he undertook a tour throughout some of the provinces. In 1835 the religious orders were suppressed. In In spite of this the religious remained, in secular habit, at the monastery, and Dom Mauro taught philosophy to the students of the Camaldolese college at Murano. [3] The Monastery of S. Gregorio was the same abbey from which Pope Gregory I had dispatched missionaries to England in 596. "He, Pope Gregory XVII, admitted in front of me that 'He was Pope Gregory XVII'. He later taught jurisprudence for some years, and his students included notable figures such as Cardinals Alexander Farnese, Reginald Pole and Charles Borromeo. (September 26, 1882, Transcription. By the same Authority We prohibit and strictly forbid any Ecclesiastic or lay person from presuming to defend as permissible this traffic in Blacks under no matter what pretext or excuse, or from publishing or teaching in any manner whatsoever, in public or privately, opinions contrary to what We have set forth in this Apostolic Letter. Theol., VII (Leipzig, 1899); NIELSEN, History of the Papacy in the Nineteenth Century, 11, 51-101 (London, 1875); ORSI, Modern Italy, 1748-1898 (London, 1900); PHILLIPS, Modern Europe, 1815-1899 (London, 1902); SILVAGNI, La corte e la societa romana ne' secoli XVIII e XIX, III (Rome, 1885); SYLVAIN, Gregoire XVI et son Pontificat (Lille, 1889); VON REUMONT, Zeitgenossen, Biografien u. Karakteristiken, I (Berlin, 1862); WARD, Life and Times of Cardinal Wiseman, I (London, 1897); WISEMAN, Recollections of the last four Popes and of Rome in their times (London, 1858).


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